Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 25, 2011

Sorry my friends for taking so long to write.  Things have been so hectic around here... Would you believe I haven't done anything in forever.   When I say hectic, I mean in my head... I've been personally dealing with a lot of issues. 

As many of you may know, I've been dealing with issues of my weight pretty much since childhood... Problem I'm having is lately with the help of some counseling, I have come to the conclusion that I haven't had a problem with my weight... everyone else does.  Let me get one thing off my chest.... I am happy being me... And if me is 400 lbs then I am happy... I don't have to be skinny to be happy and you may be concerned about my health but you know what you can do... Keep it to yourself!  I faithfully go to my doctors and have my health monitored... You don't have to sit there and look down on me because I just happen to be larger then you...

That felt good.  I have the hardest time telling the people I love how I feel because I don't want them to feel as bad as I have felt my entire life.  I've never felt a part of a family... I have a great family, but when I'm with them I feel like an outsider... Always have... Its funny to say but whenever I am around my family I feel like I'm 12 and should ask for permission to do anything.... And here I sit, almost 41 years old and feel like a child.  I don't think they are doing anything on purpose to make me feel like that, but I also can't help the way I feel.

Over the past few weeks, I've been taking a look deep inside of me and have come to the conclusion that if there is going to be any changes in my life its because I want them or need them for me... Not for you!  If you want to offer encouragement for my choices that is fine, but please do not call me, text me, write me, or contact me if all you want to know is how much weight I've lost!!!  Where are the phone calls asking how I or my son is doing with my husband 5600 mile away?  My weight is not that important to me... why is it to you?

Sorry if this was upsetting to you.... it was not intended to be that way at all... This blog is strictly for me to get my feelings out so I don't bottle them up... But I am loving that you want to share not only my happiness but my sadness and fears!

Love to all!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 18, 2011

You know... when I started this blog it was because my sister thought it would be a good way for me to put down on paper... so to speak... how I was feeling about my husband's deployment... Also what it is like for a 'single' mother to deal with daily issues and for everyone else to see what it is like for me... I've come to once conclusion... MY LIFE IS BORING...

The highlight of my day is when I go to Walmart... And lately I don't even feel like doing that.  Doctors are actually getting worried about me... think I am holding too much inside and not dealing with daily stresses like I should... Not sure what I'm supposed to do about it.. can't change the fact that I am stressed about things or stop the things from happening... Also think that I may be suffering from depression.  This is an option that worries me... mainly because I don't know anything about depression.  When I hear the word, I think of sadness, crying, woe is me kind of stuff... I don't feel sad and I don't cry and why would I woe is me... Everybody else around here is in the same boat and I can honestly say I'm not wallowing in the fact that my husband is not home... I was actually looking forward to the deployment... So how am I depressed??

The family psychiatrist that I am seeing for Zack and his diagnosis's... seems to think that because I have absolutely no desire to do anything that I am depressed.  There may be something wrong but I don't know if depression is it.  She thinks because I don't want to leave my home everyday and go shopping or even window shopping that I am depressed.  Because I don't feel like doing the dishes every single day, I'm depressed.  I feed, water, dress, bath... my child and my dogs on a daily basis or as needed... I don't bath them all everyday but I make sure they are clean and have clean clothes and eat regularly... but I don't feel like doing the dishes.  I do admit, I have absolutely no energy... I am tired all of the time.  I've gone in to have blood work done and so far everything is normal... but yet, I am tired and sleep everyday... I take at least one 2 hour nap daily... sometimes I get a second nap in in the evening for an hour or so. 

So if anyone out there can give me some warning signs or things to look for for depression I would really appreciate it.  I just wish they (all the doctors) could just figure out what is wrong with me, because I do think something is wrong... I'm just tired of waiting for the right result to come in!

Hope everyone has a beautiful day!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

April 4, 2011

Holy cow its been a while since I've been on here... Been keeping myself pretty busy trying out new diet foods and reading up on diabetic diets... I'm not diabetic but my nutritionist, Liz, says that would be the best way for me to loose weight... I went today and bought myself some slim fast mixes and also some Carnation instant breakfast drinks to have for breakfast and lunch to see if those will help... We will see!

Zack has been doing really good.  Got his last report card and he got Honors in math again... so proud of him!  Eric is also doing well... We talk 3 times a week...

We were supposed to chat this morning but had to postpone until tomorrow morning since this morning I was a little tied up with doctor appointments.  I had to do my yearly pulmonary function test to check my lungs from the asthma and the COPD... then after that I had to go and do my very first mammogram... Not something I would advice for fun... Necessity but not for fun...  It was painful in more ways then one... Not only do they squish the crap out of you but when there were doing mine they split the skin under my breast... That was the worst part... so glad I only have to do that every few years!!

 Actually have an easy week this week... Nothing planned until Saturday and thats when I have to take my dogs to the groomers to get cleaned up and hair cuts...   Haven't decided yet what we are doing for Easter... And Eric's birthday is coming up the end of the month too... Need to get him a box together and send him some treats!

I think I'm gonna go chill out for a bit and read my book... Hope you all have a great night!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 21, 2011


Well it is for everyone else in the lower 48... Looking for higher temperatures and watching the grass green up... I would love to see that, but I still have a good foot of snow on the ground and possibly going to get more snow next week...

This week, however, I am enjoying the 30 degree temperatures... Been really busy this past week... Last Monday, Zack and I took a trip to Anchorage.  Zack had to go down and see a neurologist.  Did some observations and checked him out and he came to the same conclusion the doctors up here did... Zack has Tourette Syndrome.  Nothing can be done about it unless his tics get so bad he can't function.  Doctor is actually hopeful that as Zack grows into adulthood that his tics will diminish to some simple quirky things.  Let's hope so!!

The rest of the week Zack and I just enjoyed ourselves staying at home... He was on spring break so I went and got him some movies and video games from the local library and told him to do what he wanted... He liked that!!!  On Friday night he went over to a friend's house and stayed the night and last night his friend's came over here.  I made them some homemade pizza and chocolate cake... I was in the mood to bake yesterday... Chocolate chip cookies, macadamia nut cookies, triple chocolate chip cake... and this morning I got up and put two loaves of banana bread in the oven.  Smells good in here...

I think this next week I'm gonna start doing some spring cleaning... We've been shut up in the house all winter and since the temps this week are predicted in the 30s and 40s... Its time to open some windows and get out the mop and bucket!  Maybe if I can get rid of some of this ... well crap... laying around I will get motivated to do some cleaning up on myself as well....

Not been doing so good this month on my diet... It really upset me last month when I worked so hard to loose some weight and ended up gaining.... After this month of just feeling drained I need to get up and start over and try to work out more and harder... Going to make an appointment with my doc and see if I need to get my blood work done again.... Been feeling really sluggish lately and doing a lot of sleeping... Also see if there is anything she can give me to help the pain in my knee... I think if my knee would feel better I'd be able to work out on my bike and treadmill more often... I rode for a mile last night on the bike and my knee was on fire the whole time....  Definitely need to figure out how to get that to stop!

Well... gonna go read a book... Started a trilogy on Friday and I'm getting ready to start book 2 today... I just love Nora Roberts!!!  Hope you all have a beautiful and blessed day!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 10, 2011

My goodness... You would think with all the time that has passed that a lot has been going on and I've been so busy that I can't take 5 minutes to do an update on here... Well, actually its pretty much the opposite... Been rather boring... Zack and I did do a couple of things... We got invited by a good friend to go to the local indoor football arena for a game!  That was fun and I won a door prize... Actually everyone in our group did!  3 for 3 was not bad in the prize department!!  Zack had a lot of fun too!!

Zack and his friend Javon!!

Been going to a few appointments for Zack to get him signed into the daycare here... Not that its needed but in the summer time it will definitely be wanted when he is driving me crazy because he is bored!!!

On Monday, we are heading to Anchorage to go and talk to a pediatric neurologist about Zack and his diagnosis of Tourette Syndrome.  I guess they want to do some brain scans to see if they can see any neurological problems that could be causing his tics... I guess its just to confirm he has Tourettes... will find out more when we get there!

Eric has been gone now for over a month... 1 down too many to go!!!  We did find out he gets to come home in August sometime for R & R... That will be good... He will be here when Zack goes back to school!  Too bad he won't be here to enjoy some Alaska summer with us!!

I think this weekend I want to take Zack to Ice Alaska... Every year here in Fairbanks they have a World Championship Ice Carving contest... Great big beautiful ice sculptures done by the top sculptures in the world...  I was told I need to go and buy Zack a rectangular sled and take him so he can ride the ice slide!  They light it all up in the evening, which gives the sculptures a whole different look... I will make sure and get batteries for the camera...  Hope its not too cold... since I don't have snow pants!!!

I think that is all for now!!  Hope you are all having a fantastic week!!!  I am off to finish housework... The life of a mom never ends... especially in the laundry room!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

02/12/11 - 02/18/2011


Day after Valentine's Day... I sure hope your day was better than mine.... Last week Eric made a comment about not screwing up when Valentine's day is... Fast Forward... Valentine's Day comes and I sit at the house all day just incase my dear husband sends me something from overseas... I watch on Facebook as my friends keep posting pictures of the beautiful bouquets of flowers they are getting... Awww so sweet!!!  One comment on one post says 'Now that is real love, when your husband takes time out of his day in Iraq to send his beautiful wife beautiful flowers!'  Wow... that is so cool... I am so excited to see what my wonderful husband is sending me....

Back to today.... Nothing!  I went to bed so upset last night, hurt that my husband didn't send me something... So mad I was having bad dreams about us fighting over his lack of caring...So I get up this morning after having one of the worst nights of sleep since he left... Turn on the computer, turn on Skype, and wait for him to log on....

Finally he gets on and in a very calm voice after the hellos and I love yous... I say to him... 'Just wondering if you sent me something for Valentine's Day, because nothing showed up...', Just hoping maybe it just didn't get delivered.... His answer... No, Just didn't think about it.  Wow... It took everything I had not to burst into tears at that moment... I get it, he's overseas... I shouldn't be so petty and be upset because my husband of almost 17 years didn't sent me a Valentine... But you know what... I am sad... I am petty... and I am pissed that he had no trouble spending $120 on a hard drive for his computer but couldn't buy me a Valentine.  Does that make me a bad wife?  I don't think so!  I think any woman would be hurt no matter where their husband is... And I'm not gonna feel sorry for him for 'not thinking about it'... It hurt so bad... It felt like he was saying to me... No, Just didn't think about YOU! 

Now if something shows up it just won't mean the same... It will be an I'm sorry gift instead of an I love you one... Like I've said before... Whatcha gonna do?  I've tried for 17 years to get this man to take a hint and remember days like Valentine's day is something special to a girl... Maybe its my fault for expecting him to change and just get it... finally!

I hope everyone else's Valentines Day was a lot happier then mine!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2/05/11 - 2/11/2011


The past few days have been up and down.  On the 5th, half of my heart left me for a year!  I've been trying to keep it together so Zack doesn't see me get upset but not sure how much longer that will work.  For anyone who has loved someone with everything that they are, it is the hardest thing ever to watch them walk away from you!  Zack and I did very good, standing there watching Eric grab his bags and get on that bus.  I was especially proud of how Zack took it.  We spent the afternoon at home, just the 2 of us doing absolutely nothing.  Sunday, we did get out of the house for a few hours and went to a friend's house and enjoyed the afternoon with them.  Had a good time watching the football game and enjoying some food!

Today it was back to business.  Got up and got Zack off to school.  Worked on the house for a bit and then tonight again the loneliness starts to creep in.  I seriously need to stop listening to my play list when I am sitting on my computer... I seem to like Love songs... And at a time like this, they are all depressing!   Maybe I will make a new play list for computer time...

Also this weekend my family lost someone.  My uncle Bill passed away during the night Saturday night.  I feel so bad that I am so far away and can't be there with my family.  One of my best friends growing up was my cousin, Shelley.  I haven't seen her in years... Now only through Facebook.  She drove back to Idaho when her dad started having strokes last week and got there in time to say good bye to him.  I so wish I could be there with her... and for my dad, who lost his brother.  At these times is when I hate being so far away.  It scares me to think that if something were to happen to my parents or brothers/sister that I would not be able to get back home.  These are some of the issues we deal with on a daily basis... serving our country!

Today I also started on the path to a life change!  Not sure if I mentioned before but Eric bought me a recumbent bike and treadmill before he left.  My plan is to loose much needed weight and start taking care of myself.  Well, today was my first day monitoring my caloric intake... I started seeing a nutritionist and she gave me a 1800 calorie a day limit... Not sure if I did something wrong but I wrote down everything I ate today and mine only came to 1250.  Does that mean I'm supposed to eat more?  Tomorrow I have plans to go to the shoe store and get myself some athletic shoes... The ones I have just don't work on the treadmill or the bike.  I also have to make up a chart to keep track of my mileage on the treadmill and bike.  I want to walk the distance to Eric over the next year... Thats over 4000 miles!  Wish me luck on that one... Right now I'd be happy if I could walk more than a mile at a time!!!

Off to bed now!  I hope everyone has a great week!!

Side note... Eric if you are reading this.... I love you and miss you and please come home to me soon!!!


Today was such a great day!!!  Got up and turned on the computer and Eric was on Skype waiting for Zack and I... It made the whole day just go by so great... I was on such an emotional high all day I decided to make the most of it.

After dropping Zack off at school, I decided to head into town and check out the 'Mall' we have here... Not much of a mall... more like a hall with about 20 (if that) stores in it... No food court to speak of really... There was a little place and I noticed they sold smoothies... may have to go back during the summer!  But I did find a Payless shoe store in there and was able to buy myself some nice walking shoes... toning and firming too!  Always a plus to tone and firm!!  haha  Ended up walking the mall and found a Game stop so I went in and bought Zack a couple PS3 games... Then headed over to the Salon at Walmart... I know, but I like them and they do good work on my hair... I learned a long time ago, its not how much you pay, but who you are paying!  I decided that I was tired of my mousy looking hair so I went in to get some highlights.  The girl that did my hair did a great job, but I think when I go back I'm gonna have them go even lighter.  I wanted subtle but noticeable...   It is noticeable but not that noticeable.  I need to find that happy medium...

After leaving Walmart, I finally made it home in time to go get Zack from school.   It was just an all around great day and I feel like I got so much accomplished outside of the house... Hopefully Eric will be on the computer in the morning again and tomorrow I will get accomplished here at the house... Really need to do the dishes and fold the laundry... haha!!!

Hope you have a great night and an even better day tomorrow!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1/29/11 - 2/4/11


Hello my friends!  Today is a day of mixed emotions... I am so thankful that I have one more day with my wonderful husband, Eric... And at the same time I am so sad because I know our days are limited...

Today started out normal... Zack off to school and Eric and I vegging around the house.  I have to say its been so nice having him home with me these past couple of weeks.  He had to leave for a bit in the morning to do a send off to some of our soldiers who had to leave today on their flight to Iraq.  Safe travels to all our friends who had to leave today!  After Eric got home, we fixed ourselves some breakfast and just started to lay around and be bored.  One advantage we have of living in Alaska is when our pay hits our bank, which is in the south, it is still early in the day here!!  Woo hoo!!  Eric said we could go shopping!

Eric and I drove over to Sports Authority to check out the prices on a recumbent bike... I want one to start my exercise regiment!  And it was such a great surprise when we got there and one of the bikes was on sale for $249... Thats a whole $200 cheaper then the P/X we had priced a few weeks ago... Needless to say it was loaded into the trunk of the car!!  Then we went to a used store called Used a Bit... Very cute... bought Zack some books.  He is doing so good with his reading!!  I am so proud of him and have no problem buying him books!

Anyway, after we got Zack we went to the grocery store... got the usual... milk, bread, cereal... couldn't decide what to have for dinner... Then Zack says we should have Chinese... Well... There you go!!  We had a nice dinner at our favorite Chinese Buffet.   Before we went, Eric and Zack were upstairs in the spare bedroom... we are turning it into the home gym... So excited for that!!  Tomorrow Eric says we can go back and get a treadmill they have on sale for $299... Can't beat that!!!  I get to spend tonight working up a chart... When Eric leaves he will be 4023 miles from me... So I've decided over the next year I am going to walk to him... That means that I need to average 15 miles a day on my treadmill... Gonna be hard to start off but I think as time and the weight go by and bye... I can get it done!!  Fingers crossed!!!

Well, tomorrow starts the first day of my new life and lifestyle as far as my weight... Going in for my first weigh in with a nutritionist... Fingers crossed it won't be too bad!!!  Hope you all have a great night and an even better day!!


What a fantastic day I had today... My dear husband let me sleep in until 10 am this morning... It felt so good.  Haven't been getting too much sleep lately... I think its nerves and stress from Eric leaving... Doing my best enjoying every minute I have with him right now!

We spent the morning emptying out some boxes and moving some stuff around and then he took me to lunch and to Barnes and Noble... I actually took him to Barnes and Noble, but I walked out with 3 new books and him nothing...  He then brought me home and went to pick Zack up from school... I wasn't feeling very well so wanted to sit down and relax for a bit.  And it was nice and quiet... Then Zack came home... Good thing I was awake to catch the book bag flying at my head when he walked in the door...

We had a good time going over to some friend's house for a bit... Just moved unto base so we went to find their house... Zack and I were invited over next Sunday to watch the Super Bowl game with them... I do believe we will be going!  I like football and will give us a chance to get out of the house so soon after Eric leaves!

We then took Eric out to dinner... Wanted him to choose someplace he wanted to eat... anywhere at all... He picked Big Daddy's BBQ... Do you watch Food Network?  Guy Fieri and Diners, Drive Ins and Dives?... Well, if you don't you should, then you could see the good yummy food they serve... It was so good and I was a good girl and ate my side salad first and ordered the chicken plate... and then only ate half of the breast that they gave me and gave my wing to Eric...

It was a very good day!  I love days like this... Days where you can just have a good time, even if your sitting in the quiet enjoying each other!  I can't wait for him to get back home where he belongs!!!

Night all!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

1/22/2001 - 1/28/2011


Holy cow!!  Totally did not realize that I have not been on for a week... Sad thing is I don't really remember anything exciting happening the whole time... Spend most of last week just vegetating... getting over all the birthday planning and cleaning up.

Today on the other hand was a whole new day!!!  Started out by having a late night playing on the computer last night... I am addicted to Nancy Drew PC games... Downloaded a new one and got caught up in it... Needless to say it was 2 am before I went to bed.  Then my poor baby woke up at 5:30 with a stuffed nose... I was so tired all I could tell him was go back to bed and we will clean it up in the morning... Clean it up... seriously??  I was so tired I couldn't even open my eyes!!  Then I kept hearing him... he got up and went down stairs... first I hear him coughing... then I hear the TV... then I hear him banging around in the kitchen... Then the dogs start to whine... Guess its time to start my day...

Got up, got the dogs out, got Zack to turn down the tv... Then I crawled onto my couch with my blankie and I was gone!!! Slept for over an hour... Woke up with a major headache... Great!  Finally got some lunch and then we all had to head to Walmart to get a birthday present for our friend's son's 1st birthday...

Got to the birthday party at 3 pm... Ate some food, hung out... got to watch little Joshua dive head first into his cake... That was too cute!!  Then we had to leave at 4:30 to head over to the ice rink here on post... Eric's troop was having a farewell get together to have one last social event for the families... Free ice skating... Zack is hooked!  He wants me check to see if he can get lessons!  Eric got out on the ice with Zack and I don't know who was having more fun... Eric was having a blast and the smile on his face was proof enough for me!!  Didn't get to stay a long time there, only about an hour... Then it was off to the Big Dipper Ice Arena... The local hockey team the Fairbanks Ice Dogs sold tickets in Eric's unit for only $5 to give us a farewell... That was not only cool to do that for all of us, but it was the most fun I've had in a long time... I do believe I am becoming a hockey fan... My throat hurt from yelling so much... We even got to see an actual hockey fight!!!  It was AWESOME!!  If your gonna experience hockey, you have to experience it all!!!

Here it is 11 pm... we are finally home... Zack is eating a chimichanga... Sniffling... Caught himself a major cold today!  Eric and I are on our computers trying to figure out what we want to eat before we go to bed... I'm thinking something light... Maybe some soup or a grilled cheese sandwich!!  Or maybe both... That sounds really good!

Hope you all have a safe weekend and a great night!!!


Wowzers!!  Did this cold really kick our butts... Zack ended up staying 2 days out of school and finally went back today... I caught the cold on Monday and am still suffering from a sore throat and coughing... Hoping I will get it gone in the next day or two...

Things are progressing with Eric and his deployment, as we figured!  He will be leaving us soon... Not looking forward to that or the ramifications of it!  I hope Zack doesn't take it too hard and start acting up.  Zack is dealing better with change but still has some issues with major events... I think his daddy leaving us for a year is considered a major event.

I went and bought him a calender, he actually picked it out, and we are going to go through it and mark down major landmarks over the next year... Kind of like making a mini map of events he can count down to... Hoping it will help him adjust better to the upcoming year!  We are planning on taking a trip down to Idaho to visit family in June/July for a couple of weeks... Hoping that helps too.

Eric has been great this past week... Working around the house helping me get everything cleaned up and organized to make our lives easier with him gone.  This weekend I plan on moving dishes down a shelf in the kitchen so I can reach them... Its the little things we have to think of on a daily basis... How many times do you ask your husband, "Can you get that down for me?"  "Can you open this for me?"  "Can you pick this up from the store on your way home?"... Not anymore... at least for awhile!

I love the fact that I can be so independent... It drives me crazy to see a wife sit back and cry and wallow in self pity because she can't function without her husband... I am Christy... Then I am Eric's wife and Zack's mom!!!  It has to be that way or I would never survive and neither would they!  I've been told I've been admired by my lifestyle and how well I adjust to the changes... To me... Its just how life is... Please, don't misunderstand what I am saying... I dearly love and miss Eric when he is gone, but as a military wife... This is what we do... No matter how much I cry or whine or wallow... Uncle Sam is not going to bring my husband home until his mission or time is up... Everyone has hardships in their day to day lives... Ours is not better or worse, just different!

I hope that didn't scare anyone away... LOL...   I do hope you all have a great night and an even better day tomorrow!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

01/15/11 - 01/21/11


Wow... Sorry I haven't been on for a few days... Eric and I have been so busy around the house and shopping getting everything ready for Zack's 8th birthday party!!!  Spent the day today picking up treats, pizzas, food, ice, the cake... and then coming home and decorating everything up... We had a great time!  Had lots of food and friends over to enjoy our day with us!  Zack said he loved his party, which made it all worthwhile!!!  We had great success with the birthday cake, especially considering all the drama I had to go through to find someone who was willing to actually decorate a cake here in Fairbanks!!!  And the girls over at the bakery did exactly what Zack asked for... which made it even better!!!

Now I am sitting here in the dark writing on this blog, winding down from the day... Zack and 3 of his friends just finished watching Alpha and Omega and are going to sleep on the living room floor... We'll see how many actually stay in the living room!! I spoke... or wrote too soon... Zack just came and asked if he could sleep in my chair... the floor is too hard!!!  haha!!  Kids!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

01/08/11- 01/14/11


Eric, Zack, and I spent the afternoon watching some tv and just spending time together!  May not be excessively fun, but it is what we like to do!  In the evening, we went over to some friends house for dinner and a birthday party.  Ended up not getting home until almost 2 in the morning.  Its always fun to hang out with friends and I am so excited to be the one hosting the birthday party next weekend!


Today I am on a mission!!  I was told about a couple more bakeries in the area, so we are heading out to do some searching for someone willing to make Zack the birthday cake he really wants.  I hate to think that my baby boy has to settle for anything!!!  Will let you know how it all turns out!!!

SUCCESS!!!  We drove over to Fred Meyer to check out their bakery and the girls in there said it would be no problem for them to do Zack's cake!!!  All we had to do was get them a picture and they would have it done.  Well, after walking all through the store, looking at the toys, clothes, cards, gift wrap... we found not one single Phineas and Ferb item to take to the bakery!!!  So all the way home we had to drive to pick up a napkin that I had bought at Walmart!  Took it back in and the girl was so nice and said she would personally make Zack's cake for him... He got such a big smile on his face and thanked her!!!  After all the trouble I had went through at the other Fred Meyer store here in town, I am so thankful that this store was willing to work with their customers and give us exactly what we want!!  Still have lots to do... But it is all worth it to make my little man have the best birthday ever!!!


Back to being a lazy day... Got some housework done but nothing more really to report...


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZACHARY!!!!   It is so hard to believe that my Zachary is 8 years old today... The time is just flying by!  Given the choice to stay home from school or take cupcakes to his class... he chose the cupcakes... He makes me so proud!!!  And when he gets home he tells me that his teacher forgot about the cupcakes so they are going to do them tomorrow... That is too funny!!!

I spent the morning sleeping... had a very rough night last night... I felt sick but also had a sharp pain in my back all night... more like behind my ribs.  Did not get any sleep and so I slept today after I got home from dropping Zack off at school.  Did make it to the store to pick him up some pizzas for dinner... Zack's choice!  And also got him a small cake since today is his birthday... the bigger party with all of our friends is on Saturday!  Now to just sit back, relax, and wait for daddy to come home!  Maybe I will pull out my massage pad and see if I can get this pain to go away in my back! 

Tonight ended up being a very nice night... Eric and Zack spent most of the early evening in the basement unpacking more boxes... Eric was looking for his PS2 games to pack away to take with him overseas... Not liking why he unpacked boxes but glad he got some more done.  He also found my exercise peddles, so wasn't a waste of time.  Had a quick dinner and ate some cake... Then it was off to bed for Zack... Sorry baby... still have to go to school tomorrow!!


Was a cold one this morning... When I got up it was -12... I'm sure it was colder but I got to sleep in this morning...  My loving husband didn't have to be into work until 9, so he got Zack up and off to school... Oh it felt so good to sleep in!!!  And I felt so good, I got up and started working around the house.  I was able to get the laundry done, sorta ( have to fold it all tomorrow), got the dining room cleaned, dishes and kitchen all done, floors swept and vacuumed!  It felt so good to be able to get up and get some much needed work done.  I am really hoping I get a good nights sleep tonight as well.  Need to go into town tomorrow for an appointment and have to go to the store to figure out what I want to make for dinner.  I may get up and look through my cookbook to see if I can find something interesting to make.  Then back home to finish up the cleaning I need to do.  Only a couple more days until Zack's party and I feel like there is so much to do still.

Today I started a recipe exchange on my email... Hoping to get some good recipes from strangers... I love recipes... I have a mini cookbook collection.  I know it is bigger than some people have but to me it is still very small... Can never have too many cookbooks!!

Gonna sign off and see if I can get a good nights sleep again!  Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


After discussing with my brother today about some utensils I found here in Alaska... I decided to post some links to some businesses here in Alaska and also links to businesses that can help make your life a little easier here or maybe even where you are!

Moosetard - Locally made in Fox Alaska.

Ulu Factory - Anchorage Alaska

YakTrax - snow chains for your shoes!

Junonia - Plus sized active wear for women

Alyeska Resort - Plan and book your Alaska vacation

The Great Alaskan Bowl Company

01/01/2011 - 01/07/2011

01/01 - 01/04/2011


Today starts out a brand new and exciting year for us!  We celebrated the night together as a family, toasting the new year with sparkling cider!  Eric spent 2 hours outside shoveling snow and chipping ice off the driveway... It looks so nice now!  Also got all the holiday lights down.  I always hate taking them down... I'd leave decorations up all year if I could... Maybe I should move to North Pole Alaska where they actually do keep them up all year!!!  LOL

Spent the next few days just cleaning up the house and putting all the Christmas decorations away... Eric headed back to work on the 3rd and Zack back to school on the 4th.  Not much more to report!


Today is the day that I actually start officially writing this blog.  My day is going good so far... Got Zack up and off to school this morning.  Its now 10:30 am and the sun is finally coming up... Official sunrise time is 10:48 am... And sunset today is set as 3:05 pm... that gives us a total of 4 hours and 16 minutes of daylight today.  This is one of the issues I should cover as far as surviving Alaska... Get used to the dark in the winter and the sun in the summer.  You will not make it here if you don't get out and do something... Even when its dark outside, you need to get out of the house and do anything... shopping, lunch, hanging out with friends... All 3 if that makes you feel better.  And take care of yourself in the summer time... Get dark curtains for your windows so you can get the proper number of hours of sleep... Buy a sleep mask if that helps... I did!

Now for the rest of my day... Today is one of those days you don't really want to have... especially if you are a military spouse... Tonight I have to go to a deployment briefing.  Basically, the Army is getting everyone together to go over information we will all need when our spouses leave on their deployment.  My son and I get to spend the next year alone up here in Alaska... and I don't find that terribly scary.  This deployment will hopefully be our last, and I have to say that with this one being our 3rd to Iraq, that I'm not upset about it... Don't get me wrong, I would much rather have Eric home with us, but since he is up for retirement in a few years, I'm looking forward to saving a bunch of the money he will be earning while over there.  Retirement scares me more than the deployments do!  We have been in the service for 16 years... we know nothing else... What are we supposed to do for a paycheck?  What kind of job is he going to get?  What does he want to do?  Where will we live?  These questions run through my mind daily!  I love being an Army wife... I love everything about it... And to all of a sudden not be one anymore literally scares the you know what out of me.

Well, the deployment briefing went as planned... Got a lot of information!  Had to fill out a Guardianship Power of Attorney for Zack... This is something that is not required but highly recommended.  Basically it is authorization for a named person to take care of Zachary in case something should happen to me while Eric is deployed.  Scary thought... but Eric has said for years "If you have it, you won't need it"... I always thought it was because he may have hoarding issues but makes sense here!  Its also great to know that I have friends here willing to take my son and care for him until Eric gets home!  Another nice thing I found out tonight is that I will get 16 hours a month free childcare at the Child Development Center for the entire deployment.  That not only gives me a break once in a while but lets Zack just go out and hang with kids his own age, outside of school!

I think that is about it for my first day blogging!  Tomorrow is a new day and we will see what it brings!  Good night all... Stay safe and keep each other always in your hearts!!


Hello everyone!  Woke up this morning to the snow falling... It was a beautiful 12 degrees... Eric had to get up extra early to be at work, so I got up to get Zack off to school.   Its been a very lazy day today... looked at the dishes, and looked at the laundry, and decided it can wait a little bit longer... Now it is lunch time, Eric is home fixing something to eat, and all I keep thinking about is how I wasted my morning... Why?  I haven't done anything... That is the problem... I literally have done nothing... Fell asleep sitting up in my chair... I do that often... I love naps... Is that wrong?  I started taking naps when I was pregnant and never stopped... Now that I feel somewhat refreshed... I will spend my afternoon working on cleaning up my home.  Going to make some baked chicken for dinner tonight.  Hope that makes everyone happy... Hadn't had chicken for awhile.  Tomorrow night I am hoping to go out to dinner with some friends... They invited us to try a Korean restaurant and since I've never had Korean food, I'm all for it!  Wonder how Zack will do there?  He's not much of an eater... Will have to update on that one tomorrow!  I also need to run to store and get Zack's birthday cake ordered! I can't believe my baby boy is going to be 8 years old next week... Time is flying by!


Hello everyone!!  Can you believe its already the 7th... The first week of January has just flown by... This bodes well for me!!  haha  Today I woke up to a fresh coating of snow on the ground, raring to go, wanting to clean, big plans... What actually happened was the total opposite.  Didn't get my dishes done, only did one load of laundry... Ended up sleeping again!!!  Stayed up way too late last night discussing with some friends how long they are sleeping too.  Vitamin D deficiency is a big thing for me.  I actually was diagnosed with this problem before I even moved to Alaska... and now with the lack of sunlight it is something I have to keep monitoring.  Bad news is... even though I am on the Vitamin D pills, I am still very tired and suffer from headaches.  Vitamin D levels are normal but because we have so little sunlight here, it just wears you down.  I need to stop shutting the curtains and laying down in the morning and open up the house and let what sun is out come in... Everyday we get a minute or two more of sunlight, so by April we should be back to 12 hour cycles...

Picked Zack up early from school and took him to his psychologist... Zack is being tested to see if he has Aspergers... So far it is looking like he does not.  The doctor says that Zack is just way to social to have any form of Autism.  This is good news for us!  Zack was recently diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome.  He started showing signs when he was around 5-6 but we just thought it was from his ADHD.  I started asking questions about the little tics and quirks when we were in Virginia and was told it was nothing... everyone has tics.  I brought it up again here in Alaska, and a specialist from Seattle came up to observe and test him for behavioral issues and he was then diagnosed with onset Tourettes.  Basically I was told that he has a 50-50 chance of growing out of it... He will either progress slowly and maintain the syndrome into adulthood or he will progress fast and peak in his teenage years and then start downhill and by adulthood he will be done with them.   Little off track there, but basically he had his last appointment today so I am hoping to get the final diagnosis and take it to his school.

After all of that, we came home, picked up Eric and headed to Fred Meyer to pick out a cake for Zack's birthday party next weekend!  Can you believe when I asked the decorators at the bakery if they could pipe on a picture of Phineas and Ferb on to a sheet cake, they told me NO... They didn't do that!  They only put pictures on the cakes that are printed out on edible paper!!  Seriously... where is a baker when you need one???  I am still very upset that Zack is not going to be getting the cake he wanted but had to settle for something else...

We ended the night on a positive note... We got to go out to dinner with some dear friends of ours!  They introduced us to Korean food.  Never had it, never had the chance to, and now I have found a new cuisine that I really enjoyed!  I can't wait to go back... And its in the cutest coziest little basement!!!  Yes,  a Korean restaurant in the basement of the local bowling alley!  Zack was pretty upset that we didn't go bowling... May have to take him... Haven't done that in quite a while either!!

Bought a red velvet cake at Freddy's tonight so I think I am going to go enjoy a piece of cake and then relax for the night.  I hope everyone has a great night and an even better day tomorrow!


Well, I guess I should give a little background about myself... My name is Christy and I am a stay at home mom to one boy.  I have been married for 16 years to Eric, who is a Sgt in the United States Army.  We have lived in a few different states... North Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia... And about 6 months ago we started our newest adventure... Alaska!  This blog was the brain child of my sister, Shanna, who thought that it would be therapeutic of me to write down what life is like living in Alaska.  I totally agree... Over the next year a lot will be happening in my life, as well as the lives of my husband and son.  This is going to become a daily update on how we live and what we do... not just in Alaska, but also dealing with everyday issues in our lives.  Hopefully you won't think our lives are too boring, but maybe this will help some to actually get to know us and understand our lives a little better.

You will come to find out that I am fighting weight issues, I am very active in my son's development, he has been diagnosed with extreme ADHD and Tourette Syndrome, I love to cook, I love crafts, I love staying home and hanging with my family.  These topics will be discussed pretty much regularly.  I also want to give some insight and helpful hints to life in Alaska... If by chance you are new to Alaska yourself, or are in the process of moving here, either through the military or just because... I would like to think that our experience coming here will be beneficial.  We have learned so much about our safety, from the simplest of things to the most extreme weather conditions.   So I hope you keep coming back to see what life is like in Alaska!