Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 21, 2011


Well it is for everyone else in the lower 48... Looking for higher temperatures and watching the grass green up... I would love to see that, but I still have a good foot of snow on the ground and possibly going to get more snow next week...

This week, however, I am enjoying the 30 degree temperatures... Been really busy this past week... Last Monday, Zack and I took a trip to Anchorage.  Zack had to go down and see a neurologist.  Did some observations and checked him out and he came to the same conclusion the doctors up here did... Zack has Tourette Syndrome.  Nothing can be done about it unless his tics get so bad he can't function.  Doctor is actually hopeful that as Zack grows into adulthood that his tics will diminish to some simple quirky things.  Let's hope so!!

The rest of the week Zack and I just enjoyed ourselves staying at home... He was on spring break so I went and got him some movies and video games from the local library and told him to do what he wanted... He liked that!!!  On Friday night he went over to a friend's house and stayed the night and last night his friend's came over here.  I made them some homemade pizza and chocolate cake... I was in the mood to bake yesterday... Chocolate chip cookies, macadamia nut cookies, triple chocolate chip cake... and this morning I got up and put two loaves of banana bread in the oven.  Smells good in here...

I think this next week I'm gonna start doing some spring cleaning... We've been shut up in the house all winter and since the temps this week are predicted in the 30s and 40s... Its time to open some windows and get out the mop and bucket!  Maybe if I can get rid of some of this ... well crap... laying around I will get motivated to do some cleaning up on myself as well....

Not been doing so good this month on my diet... It really upset me last month when I worked so hard to loose some weight and ended up gaining.... After this month of just feeling drained I need to get up and start over and try to work out more and harder... Going to make an appointment with my doc and see if I need to get my blood work done again.... Been feeling really sluggish lately and doing a lot of sleeping... Also see if there is anything she can give me to help the pain in my knee... I think if my knee would feel better I'd be able to work out on my bike and treadmill more often... I rode for a mile last night on the bike and my knee was on fire the whole time....  Definitely need to figure out how to get that to stop!

Well... gonna go read a book... Started a trilogy on Friday and I'm getting ready to start book 2 today... I just love Nora Roberts!!!  Hope you all have a beautiful and blessed day!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 10, 2011

My goodness... You would think with all the time that has passed that a lot has been going on and I've been so busy that I can't take 5 minutes to do an update on here... Well, actually its pretty much the opposite... Been rather boring... Zack and I did do a couple of things... We got invited by a good friend to go to the local indoor football arena for a game!  That was fun and I won a door prize... Actually everyone in our group did!  3 for 3 was not bad in the prize department!!  Zack had a lot of fun too!!

Zack and his friend Javon!!

Been going to a few appointments for Zack to get him signed into the daycare here... Not that its needed but in the summer time it will definitely be wanted when he is driving me crazy because he is bored!!!

On Monday, we are heading to Anchorage to go and talk to a pediatric neurologist about Zack and his diagnosis of Tourette Syndrome.  I guess they want to do some brain scans to see if they can see any neurological problems that could be causing his tics... I guess its just to confirm he has Tourettes... will find out more when we get there!

Eric has been gone now for over a month... 1 down too many to go!!!  We did find out he gets to come home in August sometime for R & R... That will be good... He will be here when Zack goes back to school!  Too bad he won't be here to enjoy some Alaska summer with us!!

I think this weekend I want to take Zack to Ice Alaska... Every year here in Fairbanks they have a World Championship Ice Carving contest... Great big beautiful ice sculptures done by the top sculptures in the world...  I was told I need to go and buy Zack a rectangular sled and take him so he can ride the ice slide!  They light it all up in the evening, which gives the sculptures a whole different look... I will make sure and get batteries for the camera...  Hope its not too cold... since I don't have snow pants!!!

I think that is all for now!!  Hope you are all having a fantastic week!!!  I am off to finish housework... The life of a mom never ends... especially in the laundry room!!!